The Ontario Maple Syrup Producers’ Association (OMSPA) has a long history of demonstrating its commitment to the production and fair marketing of pure Ontario Maple Syrup. All members, committee members and Directors of the Association shall subscribe to the following Code of Ethics;
Core Values
In our behaviour, we are open and honest and responsive to the need for change; we are creative and committed to self-improvement. We are committed to acting with integrity.
In our relationships with people whom we serve and with whom we work, we are fair and consistent. We are committed to effective relationships with our equipment manufacturers and dealers, citizens, clients, partners, elected officials and Government employees.
In our organizational structures and processes, we are accountable for the effective and efficient delivery of the goals and objectives of OMSPA.
All members are dedicated to promote and take all reasonable steps to improve and advance the goals, objectives, mission and priorities of the OMSPA.
All members will discharge their duties to the best of their knowledge, skills and competence, and serve OMSPA’s goals in a conscientious, diligent and efficient manner. Members must not allow personal or business interests and actions to jeopardize their personal integrity or the integrity of OMSPA.
Confidential Information
Members shall not disclose confidential information to any unauthorized individual or organization or use confidential information in any private undertakings in which they are involved.
Member’s conduct will be characterized by courtesy and respect for others regardless of their race, religion, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability or political views.
Good Faith
Actions taken by any member shall be taken in good faith with the interests and goals of the OMSPA being foremost in mind.
Product Quality
Members pledge to produce and market high quality Maple Syrup and Maple Products and will strive to meet the standards set out in the “OMSPA Best Practices Manual”. Our aim is to have 100% consumer confidence in Ontario Maple Syrup.
Approved by the OMSPA Board of Directors, January 2025